Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Here is our first release titled "Hinakan!!!" (Think of each ! as the sequel number), a Hayate no Gotoku! Doujinshi. We know normally you work from the first release to the third but I actually am holding a copy of 3, which is why it was done first. Not to mention the fact that the only place I can find scans for 2 wants wants me to use some silly points system to get a hold of it.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy this release as much as we did making it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know what you think! This is our first time doing something like this, but hopefully not our last! With that out of the way, here are the links.





  1. 猫ちゃんはカワイイです~~~

  2. Hinagiku <3

    Huge thanks for scanlating the doujin!

  3. Damn those silly point systems, keeping leechers from raping the bandwidth.

    I'm a little hinawhore too, so I'll help you out. ;)


  4. wow good jobs but why did u start with #3 not #1

  5. As I said above, we started with #3 since I actually have a hard copy of it in my hands here at home, and finding scans for two and one was difficult at the time.

    Thank you hitokiri84. This will not go unnoticed ;)

  6. Thanks for your first release.

  7. Thanks for the translation.
    A few words of advice for scanning: it's usually best to initially use a higher resolution (like 300 DPI) and then resize down the scan to your wanted size (1100x1600 pixels, in this case), it helps avoiding creating such artifacts as those at page 4. Before the final resize, a quick level correction (white/black points) is also advised, in order to get rid of greyish blacks.
